Dolly Holland
Dolly Holland
Year: 2009
Sport(s): Volleyball, Field Hockey, Tennis

Dolly Holland

2009 Hall of Fame Inductee - Coach

Dolly Holland (deceased) and her husband Andy Holland were instructors at Everett Junior College from the year it opened in 1941. Dolly Holland worked at Everett Junior College/Everett Community College for 29 years as a physical education instructor and is remembered as a strong supporter of women’s sports. She coached women’s volleyball from 1950-65, coached women’s field hockey and tennis 1949-75, and served as the Women’s Athletic Commissioner 1970-75. She and her husband taught square dancing at the college and at their home.

She was also a leader in Northwest and national athletic and recreation associations. Students remember Dolly Holland as an inspirational instructor and coach who focused on health and wellness and built students’ confidence.

Dolly and Andy Holland’s legacy of giving back to the community continues on at Lopez Island with the annual Spirit of Giving award named for them and given to honor people who provide exceptional service to their community.

Additional Recognition: Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAACC) Hall of Fame