Football Team 1952
Football Team 1952
Year: 2010
Sport(s): 1952 Football Team

1952 Football

2010 Hall of Fame Inductee - Team

The 1952 Trojan football team won the Washington State Junior College Conference Championship. This was the third championship team for coach Walt Price.  During the course of the season, the Trojans outscored their opponents 236 to 32. Their only loss came in a non-league exhibition game against the Seattle Ramblers, a semi-professional team. Two wins came against highly ranked teams from Vallejo and Monterey.  The California teams were favored to win both contests, but EJC prevailed in both by wide margins. On Monday, November 24, 1952, Everett Herald columnist Lloyd Rodstrom referred to the team as "the greatest collection of pigskin performers in Everett Junior College history."