Football Team 1967
Football Team 1967
Year: 2011
Sport(s): Football

1967 Trojan Football Team

The 1967 EJC football team won six games and lost three, earning them an undisputed state championship.  Marv Cross coached the team; players included Tom Fryer, Ray Colombo, Bob Wickersham, Don Gregory, Don Prather, Jim Iazeolla, Pat Lombard, Greg Posey, Bill Dunsdon, Bob Snow, Randy Montgomery, Jack Hall, Jim Katsenes, Jim Blanchard, Mike Dobner, Gary Hughes, Tommy Perry, Mike Buzzard, Eddie Bush, Tracy Johnson, Ray Kahler, Joe Maxwell, Don Lockhart, Jim DuBois, Doug Sjoquist, Mike Lambert, Don Monta, Joe Richer, Chris Perry, Mark Bailey, John Puntillo, Dave Pauley, Tom Odegaard, Al Mork, Bob Hendershott, Jim Hampton, Bill Hughes, Bill Turner, Ron Schutte, Murray Cassidy, Steve Daily, Mike Ware, Dave Knapman, Fred Minch, Marv Wolever, Chuck Doies, Frank Foster, Frank Imhof, Terry Klimpel, Bud Ryan, and Doug Woodward.